
”- Úgy, és ki vágja le a fejemet? Ellenségek? Intervenciósok?
- Nem, egy fiatal orosz nő. Komszomol-tag.
- Hm... - hördült fel Berlioz, akit mértéken felül bosszantott az ismeretlen idétlen tréfája.
- Már bocsásson meg, de ez azért nem nagyon valószínű.
- Azért - felelte az idegen, és hunyorogva nézett fel az égre, ahol fekete madarak keringtek nesztelenül, az esti hűvösség előérzetében -, azért, mert Annuska már megvette a napraforgóolajat, sőt nemcsak megvette, hanem ki is öntötte. „

 Your 'head will be cut off!'
Bezdomny turned to the stranger with a wild, furious stare and Berlioz asked with a sardonic grin :
'By whom? Enemies? Foreign spies? '
'No,' replied their companion, ' by a Russian woman, a member of the Komsomol.'
'Hm,' grunted Berlioz, upset by the foreigner's little joke. ' That, if you don'c mind my saying so, is most improbable.'
'I beg your pardon,' replied the foreigner, ' but it is so. Oh yes, I was going to ask you--what are you doing this evening, if it's not a secret? '
'It's no secret. From here I'm going home, and then at ten o'clock this evening there's a meeting at the massolit and I shall be in the chair.'
'No, that is absolutely impossible,' said the stranger firmly.
'Because,' replied the foreigner and frowned up at the sky where, sensing the oncoming cool of the evening, the birds were flying to roost, ' Anna has already bought the sunflower-seed oil, in fact she has not only bought it, but has already spilled it.

/Mihail Bulgakov- A Mester és Margarita/
